
Happy October FPA! It’s harvest season! The weather is turning, the leaves are changing, fall is arriving. What does it mean to harvest? To gather the fruits of your labor? To dig up the product of your hard work and enjoy and rest and celebrate? The harvest season means many things to many cultures, but the themes of harvest season tend to be abundance and joy. This is a season to celebrate and be at ease.

So many of us aren't familiar with peace and rest. We stay busy. We stay busy with kids and family and work and friendships and hobbies and communities. We forget how important resting is, how vital a harvest season is to the goodness and fullness of our spirits.


Abundance and joy.

Close your eyes for a mindful moment and reflect on the words abundance and joy. Think hard about the last time you really felt joyful, about the last time you really felt at peace. Picture yourself in that moment, just content. A moment when there was nothing to do and nowhere you needed to be, just still and at ease and comfortable.

Where were you in that moment? Who were you with? What was on your mind? What was happening in your life at that time? Can you pursue that feeling with intention? Create more moments for yourself in which you can really take in the goodness?


Peace is accessible to us, if we only take the time to sink into it. This harvest season I invite you to celebrate, I invite you to rest. Gather the goods of your efforts and enjoy yourself. Find some ease. Acknowledge your hard work and persistence by relaxing and resting and indulging. 

- Rae Holliday, LMFT


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